Yesterday, I went with my friend Kristen to go pick up her wedding dress. She getting married on September 12 and I am so excited for her!!! It’s also beneficial to be able to talk to her about wedding details so that I can start thinking about my big day.
The Fiancé and I have talked about dates, and we are in no need to rush, so I’m thinking that it won’t be for AT LEAST a year. This way I have PLENTY of time to mull over a zillion bride magazines, so that I can figure out exactly how I want everything to go!!!
Best part of being engaged: I get to read BRIDAL MAGAZINES!!! It’s so much fun. Kristen gave me all of her wedding readings because she doesn’t need them anymore. In a few weeks, my parents are coming to town and I’m going to do the obligatory dress shopping with the mom.
This gives me 3 weeks to kick my butt in the gym and recover from the buffet-style gorging in Cancun!!!
I think I really do have a coffee addition. I bought the first two bags a few weeks ago, and saw the Cinnamon coffee on super sale at the grocery store. I didn’t NEED it, but it was such a good deal and I know it won’t go to waste! For BREAKFAST, I brewed up a cup of some coconut coffee in my new cute mug from the resort we stayed at in Cancun.
I made a MASSIVE (even though it doesn’t look like it in the picture) salad for LUNCH. I used some pouched salmon that I bough the other day and I LOVED it!! My salmon addiction continues…
I headed back to the gym today after a long hiatus. I did a quick 15 min interval sesh on the treadmill. My knee started to hurt, so I promptly stopped because I did not want a repeat of the my last gym injury. I also did some ab work courtesy of an Android App which was really fun, and kicked my tummy’s butt!!!
After the gym, I refueled with a light protein boost.
I also SNACKED on a Gala Apple. I usually buy a bag a week for juicing purposes, but I have to make a conscious effort to eat more whole apples. High in fiber and SOOOO good for you!!!
Today was a good day, and I’m hoping to use the inspiration of looking BANGING in my wedding dress to tone up and slim down.
Til tomorrow…