Thursday, March 10, 2011


Same thing happens every morning.  I PLAN on waking up early and crushing my To-Do List....instead I roll over, look at the clock, and fall back asleep.  I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON.
So being that I woke up late, breakfast just consisted of a cup o' crack aka coffee.

Because LUNCH was on-the-go, I grabbed one of the Lean Cuisine meals that have been rotting in the back of my fridge for months now.

It's not that it was terrible, it's just not good. It's hard to believe that I used to eat these things all the time.  It is so much better to actually cook your own meals.  This way you know exactly what is in it.  The Lean Cuisine was really small too.  For the same stats, I could have made myself something twice the size and way better tasting.

DINNER consisted of some much needed comfort food.  I freaked out over a situation that a dear friend was going though, called Boyfriend, and demanded that we go to an all-night dinner for Grilled Cheese.  Sometimes you get these cravings and have to give into them!
Unfortunately, halfway though my meal I got BAD acid reflux and couldn't finish despite my best efforts. 

Even the Strawberry Malt I ordered couldn't subdue the acid.

Oh well, time to call it a night.  I WILL demolish my To-Do list tomorrow!!


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